const blog = new;

Create your own blog, totally for free, by just creating your account on hashnode, it is totally free, you can use custom domains, and a lot more. it has a simple UI, and it looks beautiful and uses markdown syntax, which is one of the best ways to blog, all you have to do is learn how to use the syntax and start writing posts. Hashnode also has a nice dashboard where you can manage everything. In fact, even this very blog, is made with Hashnode, I used to use Jekyll with GitHub Pages, And A Theme Called Jekyll Klise. It was also free, but I think Hashnode is a lot simpler to setup and use as well, and to make a new post all you have to do is go to this link, which is a shortcut, allowing you to make a blog post pretty quick. The shortcut is:, all you have to do, is visit it, and start writing!

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